
  • The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

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    4080080785_5e56cf8da8_zThe prescriptions that people take today compared to hundreds of years ago are convenient and effective but they sometimes can be costly considering its for one small medical issue or it has negative side-effects associated with it.
    ACV is perfect for those quick fixes, its cheap and readily available and some people substitute it 100 percent for all of there medical needs.

    Apple cider vinegar is considered to be useful in cases of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. For example, in 2001 the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study in which it was indicated that alternative or natural therapies like ACV might be more effective than prescription drugs and other western medical treatments. Apple cider vinegar is also useful in emergency situations such as jellyfish stings because it acts as a deactivating agent toward the venom.

    Apple cider vinegar is made via fermentation, which is very beneficial for digestion and has in some cases worked as a cure for acne. Apple cider vinegar is also commonly used as a treatment for other skin disorders such as warts. In fact, studies have shown that Apple cider vinegar can clear up blemishes and breakouts – avoiding the need for potentially harmful prescription medications such as Retin A or Acutane.

    For more information and to read all of the medicinal benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar please visit: Herbs Info.

    Photo Source: Andy Roberts.

    Juliana` Campbell

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