
  • Heavier People Can Really Be Healthier?

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    Have you consider your weight? As yourself if your heavy for healthy or heavy for obesity.

    Scientists call it the obesity paradox, the notion that being overweight or moderately obese lowers the risk of an early death. They have documented the phenomenon in large population studies and in groups of patients with chronic diseases like hypertension and Type 2 diabetes.

    But now a new report, published on Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine, is calling the obesity paradox into question, at least for patients with Type 2 diabetes.

    The study, of nearly 12,000 people with the disease, found that there was no survival advantage for those who had a body mass index that put them in the overweight or obese categories. Instead, the researchers found that the diabetics with the lowest mortality rate were those who were considered normal weight.

    The study is among the largest to examine the obesity paradox among people with Type 2 diabetes, an illness that afflicts more than 25 million Americans. The authors argue that previous studies …



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