Running longer can be exhausting to the body but in return, every time a person run can be a healthier because the circular system has undergone a series of exercise that made the blood and oxygen in the nerves and veins flows better.
By Amanda Woerner
Ultramarathons races over 26.2 miles have experienced an exponential surge in popularity over the past decade, as runners line up to push their bodies to the limit during races that sometimes boast 100-mile-long courses.
Now, a new study published in the journal PLOS ONE seeks to explore the health of ultramarathoners and whether the extreme sport carries any dangerous consequences.
Lead study author Dr. Marty Hoffman is familiar with the trials and joys of ultramarathoning. After logging his first 50-mile race in 1985, Hoffman has gone on to complete numerous ultras over the years, including 10 100-mile races.
The real key here is figuring out whether theres an upper limit for the valuable effects from exercise , Hoffman, a professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the University of California, Davis, told We know that moderate exercise has considerable health benefits, so then the question is, what happens if …
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