
  • Ginger Can Help Treat Osteoarthritis With Topical Application

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    Ginger is commonly used to treat various types of “stomach problems,” including motion sickness, morning sickness, colic, upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, nauseacaused by cancer treatment, nausea and vomiting after surgery, as well as loss of appetite.

    by Case Adams

    Research from Australia's Edith Cowan University has confirmed an ancient treatment – that osteoarthritis pain and mobility is reduced with the application of ginger root topically.

    The researchers recruited 20 adults between the ages of 35 and 90 years old – average age of 64 years old. All of the volunteers had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. 85% of the patients had osteoarthritis of the knees and/or hips.

    The researchers randomly divided the patients into two groups, and treated half of them with a ginger (Zingiber officinalis) compress, and half with a ginger transdermal patch – a patent-pending product from New Zealand.

    The patients applied the patch or compress daily. They were monitored weekly with a Health Assessment Questionnaire throughout the 24 week study.

    The patients in both groups experienced significant improvement in pain, fatigue, well-being and mobility after only seven days, and this improvement increased through the study. At the end of the …

    Ginger contains chemicals that may reduce nausea and inflammation. Researchers believe the chemicals work primarily in the stomach and intestines, but they may also work in the brain and nervous system to control nausea.

    Make sure to read the rest of the article at Naturalblaze.


    Staff Writer

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