
  • Families with Children Here are 12 Survival Tips

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    It is important to know what natural disasters can affect your area and what to do in the event of one striking. Read through the appropriate Disaster and Emergency guides. Watch the weather and stay on top of the news if a hurricane or other severe weather is predicted to come your way.

    As adults, I believe it is our duty to introduce children to preparedness activities at a young age. This needs to be done in a fun, but serious manner, so as to avoid fear.  The last thing we want to do is introduce a bogeyman when there is none!

    For no other reason than that, I wish to share my thoughts on preparedness for families with little ones under the roof.

    12 Tips for Families with Children

    1.  Include children in family preparedness discussions.  Explain what you are talking about in a calm, assured manner and answer questions honestly and simply.  Focus the conversation on the safety issues that will ensure their survival.

    2.  Regardless of their age, teach young children to memorize basic personal information such as full name, address, telephone number, and the names of their parents or guardians.  This will be invaluable in the event they become separated from …

    This will help families get through the disaster.

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