Ebola, virus that is affecting people thousands of miles away in West Africa, is now in America's most populous city with the fourth diagnosis on American soil.
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa has sickened at least 9,936 people since March, killing at least 4,877 of them as of Oct. 22 — making it the worst outbreak of the virus in history, according to the World Health Organization.
Find out how the virus first arrived in the United States — via U.S. missionaries flown here for treatment this summer — and then how Ebola was unwittingly imported via Thomas Eric Duncan, who flew from Liberia to Texas with the virus and later died in Dallas.
US public health officials now warn that Ebolaa highly contagious and deadly hemorrhagic fever-type diseasemight become as widespread as HIV/AIDS.
And while public health officials have alternative downplayed and hyped up fears about Ebola, there are actually few reasons why Ebola should turn into a full-blown deadly epidemic in developed countries like the US with strong health care infrastructures.
So far, only one Ebola infected person, a citizen from Liberia visiting the U.S., has died on American soil. He was originally misdiagnosed at a Dallas community hospital, which delayed treatment and there are questions about whether the inappropriate antibiotics he was given may have contributed to his early demise.
But, in order to get indemnification for a fast-tracked vaccine, the government must recommend the vaccine for universal use in children or adults or designate it as a bioterrorism vaccine needed to protect national security as was the case with the 2009 …
Addressing stigma was a central message from NYC officials during the press conference. Mayor de Blasio addressed the fact that some New Yorkers, specifically health care workers, have been stigmatized and discriminated against because of misinformation about the Ebola outbreak. “It’s our job as New Yorkers to confront that. We have had a few New yorkers treated badly, and you never discriminate against someone who is helping others. There is no cause foranyone to be treated with anything but respect who is serving someone in need.”
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