
  • Naturally Avoid Getting Sick This Winter: The Flu Is Not A Season

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    You know your immune system plays a role in warding off infectious disease, but you may not realize just how important an ally this system really is in protecting you from foreign invaders like bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses and other pathogenic microbes.

    If you’re one of the many thousands who get sick without fail every fall and winter, this article is for you. Because as you are probably aware, getting sick is NOT an inevitable part of the change in seasons. You surely know a handful of people who seemingly never get sick — maybe they work in your office or even share your home. These people are able to avoid illness not because they aren’t exposed to germs, but because their immune system is able to keep them healthy.

    As it turns out the flu is not a season. People generally tend to get sicker when the weather gets cooler, this is true, but does it have to happen? Is there a predisposition for everyone to get sick at this time no matter what they do or how well their immune systems are working? Is the vaccine the only way to truly prevent getting the flu? Let’s have a look at some of the key factors that are causing the flu.

    What Causes The Flu?

    There are a few main factors that one can attribute to contracting the flu. Because the flu generally happens when the weather gets cooler and people are not getting as much sunlight, many people become vitamin D deficient. There have been a number of studies done that show the direct correlation between vitamin D deficiency and the contraction of the flu. If you …

    It’s always good to support your body’s natural defense mechanisms; this includes fevers, which essentially cook and destroy the microbes that are making you sick. Fevers also help you build natural immunity that protects you from future infections. Many doctors suggest taking Tylenol (acetaminophen) to reduce a fever, however reducing your temperature will not help you get rid of the microbes wreaking havoc on your body. The analogy I like to use is, “would you rather cook your Thanksgiving turkey at 100 degrees for 5 days, or 350 degrees for 5 hours?” Cooking a turkey at a higher temperature makes more sense, and the same concept is true for our bodies when we support a fever to cook those nasty microbes. Please talk to your doctor first about supporting a fever, as this can be a challenge particularly with young children and the elderly.

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