
  • Suffering From Post-Traumatic Dieting Disorder?

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    There's temptation everywhere — a coworker brings doughnuts to the morning meeting, your kids order a pepperoni pizza with extra cheese for dinner, even the barista at Starbucks suggests you have a blueberry scone with your latte. How can you resist? We won't lie — it's tough. When women encounter crave-worthy foods like chocolate and potato chips, our brains have an intense “I gotta have it” response, even when we're not hungry. Unhealthy treats, primarily those containing sugar, fat, and salt, cause our bodies to release dopamine.

    You spent months swearing off carbs and sweating your brains out at the gym and were finally rewarded by dropping a few pant sizes. But then the diet ended, as did the trips to the gym. And those pants? Well, they no longer fit.

    This was your umpteenth diet – the one that was supposed to work. When all the weight came back, and then some, you couldn't help but feel a deep sense of shame and guilt.

    It’s what obesity expert Yoni Freedhoff calls post-traumatic dieting disorder.

    As he’s seen with thousands of people who try severe calorie restriction, cleanses or any diet that involves suffering and sacrifice, people feel demoralized after regaining all their weight. They believe they failed.

    “The thing is, people don’t fail diets,” Freedhoff says. “Diets fail people.”

    Freedhoff, founder of the Bariatric Medical Institute in Ottawa, Canada, which focuses on long-term weight management, noticed how failing to keep off the pounds often led his patients to …

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