Everyone knows that running is a great way to get into shape, but did you know that it can benefit almost every part of your body, as well as lift your mood? Running is incredibly effective at making you healthier in a number of ways. While it may not be everybody's favorite form of exercise, knowing what it can do for your life just may make you look at running in an entirely new light.
Before there was CrossFit or P90X or TRX Training, there was good old-fashioned running. No need for gym memberships, trainers or DVDs. The beauty of running is its simplicity. Whether you're training for a marathon or jogging the more recreational route, the exercise comes down to just you and the road.
But unfortunately, that road can cause some trouble. The meditative feeling of being one with your pounding heart and feet can be quickly destroyed when you have to jump out of the way of a passing car.
Be safe on your runs, so you're well enough to jog another day. Follow the road running safety tips below, which come from John Honerkamp, chief coach of the New York Road Runners organization, as well as the websites of the Road Runners Club of America and Runner's World.
Wear bright, reflective outer layers. In autumn and winter, shorter days mean less daylight for running outside, so those after-work runs by sunset may now be …
Believe it or not, running is actually a great way to increase your overall level of health. Research shows that running can raise your levels of good cholesterol while also helping you increase lung function and use. In addition, running can also boost your immune system and lower your risk of developing blood clots
Make sure to read the rest of the article at Health.usnews.
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