
  • Oregano Essential Oil: 25 Ways For Health And Wellness

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    Oregano is a very flavorful herb that is often used in Italian, Greek and Spanish cooking. It is often used in seasoning blends, including Italian Seasoning, and pairs well with meats, tomato dishes, and eggs.

    Oregano has been gaining popularity as a natural remedy, though its use as a health-boosting herb is centuries old. Oregano contains high amounts of Omega-3s, Iron, Manganese, and antioxidants.

    Oregano Essential Oil is well known in natural health communities for its antibacterial properties, and it is even being studied by the mainstream medical community for its potential benefits. It is considered to be antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiseptic, antiviral and immune stimulating.

    Five years ago, if someone were to mention the use of oregano essential for health and wellness purposes I would have looked at them cross-eyed.  Although well versed in the benefits of essential oils, for one reason or another, oregano essential oil was nowhere to be found on my radar screen.  Oregano for wellness? Although I grow it in my yard and use it in pasta dishes and on pizza, I had never considered it to have healing qualities.

    A Brief History of Oregano Oil

    Although oregano oil did not make its North American debut until the early 20th century, it was widely used in ancient times.  Hippocrates wrote extensively about oil of wild oregano, singing its praises as a cure for digestive ailments, skin conditions and respiratory diseases. There is also evidence that in ancient Greece, oregano oil was used for the treatment of headaches, wounds, snakebites, spider bites and even …

    Oregano oil is not generally considered safe during pregnancy, though culinary use of oregano leaf is considered fine. Due to its highly potent nature, it should always be diluted for use on the skin or when taking internally. I am not a doctor or medical professional,, and you should always consult your doctor before taking any herbs or beginning any health routine.

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