
  • Resolution Revolution

    By -

    Change your life and perspective to a better new you with this following article.

    Before you make your resolutions this year, consider the long, sorry track record of this tradition. It goes back to ancient Babylonia, when some farmer, perhaps, vowed to return his neighbor's ox, while his wife swore off barley cakes in order to lose 10 pounds. You can imagine how it turned out–right after you give your brother-in-law his power drill back and toss out those Entenmann's devil's-food doughnuts.

    With that perspective in mind, I think it's time to redefine this custom. Instead of low-batting-average pledges about trimming our midsections (there are many effective ways to lose weight, but making a hangover-tinged promise on Jan. 1 isn't one of them), what if we buff up our intentions–that is, the purpose behind our deeds–and aim a little higher? Why not intend to consume less of everything–including food–to shed a few pounds and help make the world a better place?

    Religions have long taught about …




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