The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has officially declared that the year 2013 be recognized as “The International Year of the Quinoa.” Proposed by the government of Bolivia and receiving strong support from many Central and South American countries, quinoa has now been singled out by the FAO as a food with “high nutritional value,” impressive biodiversity, and an important role to play in the achievement of food security worldwide. We realize that quinoa remains unfamiliar to many people, especially in the practical sense of cooking and recipes. But we hope that situation will change, given the remarkable nature of this easily-prepared, nutrient-rich food.
(NaturalNews) Known as the “gold of the Incas” or the “supergrain of the future”, quinoa is a superfood with a plethora of health benefits. While quinoa is growing in popularity and becoming more well known throughout the world and in the United States, many still do not understand the unique and significant health benefits that come from eating quinoa.
Quinoa is a “pseudocereal” that is consumed similarly to cereal grasses like wheat, oats and rye but is technically a member of the food family along with beets, spinach and Swiss chard.
1. Quinoa is antioxidant rich.
Quinoa contains the antioxidant phytonutrients quercetin and kaempferol. Additionally, quinoa has a great deal of anti-inflammatory phytonutrients as well. This can promote tissue growth and aide in tissue repair as well as fight off disease and infection.
2. Quinoa is high in protein.
Unlike many other carbohydrates or grains, quinoa has a large amount of protein per serving. There …
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