These are the “fight or flight” hormones that evolution has hard-wired into our brains and which are designed to protect us from immediate bodily harm when we are under threat. However, stress in the modern age is rarely remedied by a fight or flight response, and so physical exercise can be used as a surrogate to metabolize the excessive stress hormones and restore your body and mind to a calmer, more relaxed state.
Simply put, stress is the “gift that keeps giving” until it's unwrapped. In that sense, it's benevolent. I think that's why it stays in what we call the subconscious until it is brought forth. Until your body/mind considers it safe to unwrap. Someone once said, “Hell is the possibility of sanity.” In a manner of speaking, it's a good type of hell, because it puts you back as the CEO of your life, despite the outside world's demands for “happy insanity.” And it can be as temporary as a minor setback if we're actually allowed to get through it – but, we are compelled early on to avoid it, “be happy,” suppress, distract, entertain it away, rationalize, deny, fix it immediately, wrap a bow around it…
This will help you look it square in the eye and evaporate it…
There are also ways that sound healthy to deal with stress and some …
Take a break from whatever you're doing now and practice being mindful for just one minute. With more practice, you'll crave mindful moments throughout the day, and hopefully, you'll find it easier to quiet your mind at night and fall asleep with little fuss.
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