The best thing you can do to protect yourself from colds and flu this winter is to strengthen your immune system naturally with immune-boosting foods and nutritional supplements.
Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is imperative to staying healthy and enhancing immunity during the summer months. Your body gets rid of a lot of water during the hot summer days and nights, so making sure you take in fluids throughout the day helps keep you healthy and functional. Water is the motor oil for your body, providing energy for your muscles, joints and mind to function optimally without struggle. When youre dizzy, experiencing cramping, or feeling uncomfortable in the summer, its usually because youre dehydrated. Of course, not all beverages are good for hydration, so unless youre getting intense exercise, steer clear of sodium-loaded sports drinks. Also avoid drinking too much alcohol or beverages that are high in sugar.
Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables
Often more accessible and garden-fresh in the summer, fruits and vegetables are often a tastier immune system booster in the summer months. When youre planning meals this summer, …
A good healthy diet is fundamental to good health and a strong immune system. A majority of your diet should be made up of unprocessed, natural foods such as fresh fruits, vegies, legumes, wholegrains, nuts and seeds.
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