
  • Grape Skin Extract –Could treat Diabetes

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    Grape-Seed-Extract-300x205It is believe that diabetes rate in the U.S. went sky rocket doubling its last figure a decade ago. There are Approximately 26 million Americans recently known to have diabetes, this should mark an urgent need for safe and effective method to boost our existing conventional treatment system for diabetes. Researchers at Wayne State University spearheaded the study concerning a possible cure for diabetes, they have demonstrated that grape skin extract can wield a different form of preventive measures -reducing the activity of hyperglycemia.
    This new remedy is being developed and may aid to manage diabetes. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the National Institutes of Health has funded this study with the amount of $2.1 million transitional study that will give us the correct data to understand its effectiveness. This preclinical data will serve as a support to the biological effectiveness and safety of GSE, concerning the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The researchers are actually hoping to get the results that they are expecting, and achieve the safety and effectiveness of this mostly waited medicine. This study is perceived to provide important pre-clinical data regarding the anti-diabetic mechanisms.

    The other day, while I was sipping a coffee and reading up on the news, one headline story struck me: the number of people with diabetes in the U.S. alone has doubled to more than 26 million people over the last 10 years. I immediately regretted putting the extra sugar in my coffee that morning! But more importantly, this got me to thinking about the most effective strategies to complement existing treatments for patients suffering from diabetes. So I did some research.
    While researching, I came across a study from Wayne State University that has shown promising preliminary results: grape skin extract has been found to inhibit hyperglycemia, meaning it could be useful in helping patients with diabetes treat their symptoms. The study from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the National Institutes of Health has provided $2.1 million to this transitional study to look into the effectiveness …

    There are probably a good number of studies out there, alternative methods to manage diabetes, but this one looks promising. Grapes which typically a courier of sweetness would be soon utilized to fight type 2 diabetes.

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