
  • Boost Your Confidence When Your Doctor Pressures To Vaccinate: 9 Ways

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    If you become sick in the middle of the night, you might wake up your spouse, or even let work know you won't be coming in the next day. But some people — at least, those with particularly good relationships with their doctors — might send a quick email over to their physician to let them know what's going on. This sort of interaction may be part of the reason why patients who have good relationships with their doctors tend to have better health outcomes, as a new study found.

    Contrary to what some doctors and officials might tell you, your child does not need shots to attend public school. Legally, you can receive a vaccine exemption in all fifty states.

    Sometimes, even in states with stricter laws, getting the vaccine exemption is the easy part. The hard part, for some parents, is having that conversation with a doctor and just saying no to vaccines.

    One government survey revealed that over 28 percent of parents question, delay, or refuse vaccines, including nine percent who accept a vaccine for their child even though they are not comfortable with it. Don’t allow yourself to be part of the nine percent who accepted a vaccine under pressure.

    9 Best Ways to Boost Your Confidence at the Doctor’s Office

    1. Be prepared for what your doctor will tell you at your child’s appointment.

    Doctors are trained to use certain techniques when parents question vaccination. This training is …

    Good doctor-patient communication has the potential to help regulate patients' emotions, facilitate comprehension of medical information, and allow for better identification of patients' needs, perceptions, and expectations. Patients reporting good communication with their doctor are more likely to be satisfied with their care, and especially to share pertinent information for accurate diagnosis of their problems, follow advice, and adhere to the prescribed treatment. Patients' agreement with the doctor about the nature of the treatment and need for follow-up is strongly associated with their recovery.

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