
  • Your Stockpile: Where To Buy Bulk Organic Grains

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    wheatBeing prepared means knowing how to provide your own food.  Check out this great information to learn about everything from growing and hunting for food, to food storage techniques and guidelines.

    The economic climate has a lot of people scrambling to stock up on food right now. Add to an uncertain job market the food shortage caused by extreme weather conditions across the country, and we could be looking at a perfect storm on the horizon.

    Do you read about people’s giant stockpiles of food and wonder, “Where the heck do they find those giant 50 pound bags of grains?” or “How on earth do they afford that extra food on top of the high cost of their day-to-day groceries?”

    My inbox has been flooded lately with people looking for ways to rapidly expand their food storage supplies. I wrote about building a 30-day food supply quickly, but honestly, that article is for absolute beginners with no stockpile whatsoever. If you’re working on building a serious, long-term food supply, it’s going to be a lot more cost effective to purchase bulk quantities of …

    Being prepared is more than just having enough stuff to make it through a major disaster, but about being able to make it through the minor ones, building knowledge not to require having all the stuff, and being able to live without relying on someone else to take care of us.

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