
  • Swedish Massage Using Ginger Oil Alleviates Low Back Pain

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    gingerLooks like Swedish and Thai both know how to put ginger in good use. A soothing massage with aromatic ginger oil would cure low back pain quickly, it could give you a long term relief. This renown Swedish massage is believe to be more effective in both the short- and long-term improvement of back pain and physical disability, this is according to a recent research. On a study made by the researchers, the curative practice can do wonders in terms of how effective this so called “Swedish massage” with aromatic ginger oil in treating chronic low back pain, this is based on an experiment that involved 140 people ages 60 and older who had been diagnosed with chronic low-back pain that lasted over 12 weeks period. These people were randomly assigned and be treated to either Swedish massage with ginger oil or the traditional Thai massage. The therapist involved have under gone a successive training. The session that the therapists works could go about a 30-minute sessions and took place twice a week for five weeks. Most of The traditional Thai massage would not use oil but just a piece of cloth. The Swedish version on the other hand is quite hands on using aromatic ginger oil, which consisted of two percent essential ginger oil with jojoba oil.

    Australian researchers studied a group of 140 people aged 60 and older who had been diagnosed with chronic low-back pain lasting more than 12 months. They were divided into two groups: one receiving Swedish massage with ginger oil and one receiving traditional Thai massage.
    Both forms of massage were provided by trained therapists during 30-minute sessions that took place twice a week for five weeks. The traditional Thai massage was applied through the clothing with no oil. The Swedish massage was applied to the skin using aromatic ginger oil, which consisted of 2% essential ginger oil with jojoba oil.
    The results, published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine showed that both types of massage produced significant immediate, short- and long-term improvements in low back pain. However, Swedish massage was found to be the more effective of the two in terms of improvement of pain and disability, according to recent research.
    A potent …

    Ginger has been used as a cure, an anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic remedy. This is a practice for decades now. We should not under estimate what it can do to our health. You might get a strange smell on your breath but they are their curative effect is priceless.

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