
  • Why Blood types Cannot be Mixed Up

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    130730_bloodThe basic role of our immune system is to produce proteins called  ‘antibodies’ this kind of protein safeguards your system from alienated cells that enters the body, your immune system will produce antibodies to fight against incompatible blood types, this is of course  Depending on what blood type you have in your body. If you’ll be needing a blood and be given the wrong blood type, your antibodies will react and annihilate foreign cells, as a result, your body will respond  to it in a form of fever, chills, and more discomforts

    This is how it works: Type A blood produces B antibodies. If B antibodies (found in Type B or AB blood) enter your body, your Type A immune system will set off to fight them. This could only mean that transfusion is only possible from someone who has type A or O blood, and not likely from someone who has B or AB blood type. Blood is made up of the same basic elements but it’s a bit complicated because our blood is unique at the same time. There are eight different common blood types, they are perceived by the presence or absence of particular antigens, these are substances that prompt the fighting antibodies to drive off foreign cells.

    What Exactly Is Blood?

    Blood is a living tissue made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma (which is more than 90 percent water). Your body weight is about seven percent blood. Men have about 12 pints of blood in their body while women have about nine.

    Blood’s main role is to transport oxygen throughout your body, although it also plays a role in fighting off infections and carrying waste out of your cells. Blood also

    Why Are There Different Blood Types?

    It’s thought that different blood types developed as a way to help protect humans from infectious disease. For instance, cells infected with malaria don’t “stick” as well to type O or type B blood cells, which means a person with type O blood may get less sick if they’re infected with malaria than someone with a different blood type.

    Perhaps not coincidentally, regions with high burdens of malaria, such …

    It will take us forever to actually understand the anatomy of blood, and what it does entirely in our body. Blood transfusion is not as simple as it sounds, it is precisely match up with other parties to take advantage of their use.

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