In a country, citizens are either employed or unemployed. If you are employed, usually you only have one job. But some have two or more. For some it’s a blessing, for others it’s a curse. And if it’s a blessing to have more than one job, how could it be any more of a blessing or luck if you have three or more?
Chellie Pingree, aside from being a United States congresswoman, is also an owner of a restaurant and an organic farmer.
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (Maine-D) has a lot to say about local alternative farming, small farms, farmers markets and restaurants serving local produce. She has a lot to say and a lot to do with its resurgence. She believes the answer to current top-heavy industrialized problems lies in reviving local agriculture. How does she know so much about food, farming and food politics? Let her tell you in this little-known TEDx talk – she's been through it all. Let's just say she has a reason to be passionate about farming. She remembers how a small percentage of local food provided Maine's necessities – even Boston's
She says:
We don't have to think up rocket science to do this again, but we do have to take on some big enemies. But the fact is, all we have to do is replicate the way we always did things here, and the way we want to …
Running a business is no easy job. Running two and being a state’s congresswoman makes it harder. But Congresswoman Chellie Pingree has done it all. Being an advocate in local farming and serving the produce from the farm to the plate, she gained support and trust fellow members of the congress and other sponsors who if not share the same vision as hers, also want to upkeep food policy and local food program.
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