
  • Third MMR Shot And Vaccine Exemption Ban: Measles In Disneyland

    By -

    Charles Goodman

    There have been hundreds of media stories published in the U.S. and around the world since Jan. 14, 2015, the day after it was first reported that visitors to Disneyland got measles and presumably infected other people in California, Washington, Utah and Colorado. Like wildfire, the story spread globally even though there was – and still is – limited information about the 51 lab-confirmed cases of measles public health officials say are linked to the happiest place on earth. According to a Jan. 23 Health Advisory issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “no source case for the outbreak has been identified.”

    There have been hundreds of media stories published in the U.S. and around the world since Jan. 14, 2015, the day after it was first reported that visitors to Disneyland got measles and presumably infected other people in California, Washington, Utah, and Colorado.

    Like wildfire, the story spread globally even though there was – and still is – limited information about the 51 lab-confirmed cases of measles public health officials say are linked to the happiest place on earth.

    According a Jan. 23 Health Advisory issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “no source case for the outbreak has been identified.”

    Demonizing of Parents and Their Children

    The U.S. has a population of more than 320 million people and 38 million people live in California, so it is curious why a handful of measles cases prompted one California newspaper to quickly place blame on parents making informed vaccine choices, calling them …

    The inconvenient scientific truth about measles in Disneyland and around the world is that public health doctors do not know how many vaccinated people can be infected with measles, show few or no symptoms and transmit measles to other people. Government health officials do not conduct rountine active surveillance of vaccinated people to find out if they are experiencing asymptomatic or atypical measles and transmitting it to others.

    In addition, there are published studies demonstrating that people given live virus measles vaccine can be infected with vaccine strain measles virus and shed vaccine strain measles virus. Health officials do not conduct routine active surveillance of people getting live MMR vaccine to monitor for vaccine strain measles virus infection, shedding and the potential for transmission.

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