
  • Things You Didn’t Know About Earwax

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    Earwax can be gooey and gross, and it is not the most scintillating of conversational topics. We all have it, but who wants to talk about it? We do! So get an earful of these earwax facts. Earwax comes in two types – wet and dry. The kind you have depends on genetics. People of North-eastern Asian descent, especially those from China or Korea, tend to have dry ear wax, while the earwax of people from other regions is wet.

    By Dr. Mercola

    Earwax, known technically as cerumen, is produced by glands in your ear canal. Made up mostly of dead skin cells, earwax also contains other substances, including lysozyme, an antibacterial enzyme, fatty acids, alcohols, cholesterol, and squalene.

    In fact, earwax isn't “wax” at all; it's a mixture of water-soluble secretions. And although you probably don't give your earwax much thought, it actually represents one of your body's most ingenious protective mechanisms. Earwax isn't simply a hygienic nuisance… far from it.

    Earwax Benefits: Why Your Ears Need Wax

    Your ears produce earwax constantly so that, ideally, you'll maintain just the right amount in your ear canals. Unless you have an earwax blockage, which I'll discuss below, it's actually best to leave your earwax alone – don't try to remove it with cotton swabs or other devices.

    In fact, if you have too little earwax in your ear canal, your ears may feel …

    Make sure to read the rest of the article at Article.mercola.


    Staff Writer

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