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If you're a fan of the sweet stuff, you probably jumped for joy at the good news this week. Research published Monday suggested that regular chocolate eaters may more frequently have lower BMIs. Before you reach for that Snickers, remember this: While chocolate can do the body good, the study certainly doesn't go as far as proving a causal link between eating more chocolate and losing weight. Keep in mind that all chocolate was not created equal: Dark chocolate packs more of a health punch overall, but even the bittersweet varieties can be high in calories, fat and sugar.
Chocolate is something of a miracle food it can ease depression, boost circulation, lower blood pressure, and even help you lose weight. In a strange correlation, it could even make you more likely to win a Nobel Prize! To think, all of this bang in one, tiny, delectable package. But, why? How do the compounds in chocolate react in our bodies to produce such dramatic results? The answer lies within you.
In keeping with the wave of interest in our microbiomes and their effect on our health, recent research shows that the good bacteria in our stomachs, like Bifidobacterium, actually thrive on chocolate. Thats right, your good bacteria love chocolate just as much as you do. Within these bacteria, the chocolate gets fermented and converted into various, anti-inflammatory compounds. These anti-inflammatories then travel throughout the body, spreading their good cheer, so to speak, to the heart, brain, blood, and beyond.
These findings, unveiled at a recent meeting of the American Chemical …
Make sure to read the rest of the article at Care2.
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