
  • Liver Detox Juice: Detox Your Liver

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    Whether you’re trying to drop unwanted pounds or flush out unwelcome toxins, you need a healthy liver to make it happen. Here’s how to keep this overachieving organ in optimal shape.

    After more than two decades working as a nutritionist specializing in weight loss and detoxification, I am still completely in awe of the liver. As far as I’m concerned, this amazing organ, nestled away in the right side of the abdomen, has more than earned its name, which derives from an Old English word for “life.”

    Your liver is your largest internal organ, and it’s responsible for an astonishing variety of life-sustaining and health-promoting tasks — including those that make healthy weight loss and weight management possible. Integral to countless metabolic processes, the liver supports the digestive system, controls blood sugar and regulates fat storage. It stores and mobilizes energy, and produces more proteins than any other organ in the body. It also regulates your blood flow and, if you’re a woman, keeps your menstrual cycles running smoothly.


    Ah, the liver. One of our most impressive organs. Our livers never rest. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, our livers are trying to detoxify and neutralize all the harmful crap we put into our bodies. While it may be restless, that doesn’t mean it is invincible.

    The liver is extremely susceptible to being damaged and once damage has taken place it can quickly start working improperly.

    The juice recipe below will help your body cleanse your liver, repair any past damage, and keep it in healthy, working condition. Remember, use organic, locally grown ingredients if you can!


    • 500 ml of cool, pre-boiled water (16 fl. oz)
    • 6 fresh lemons
    • 1 thumb of ginger root
    • 4 garlic cloves
    • 4 mint leaves
    • 3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil
    • 3 grapefruits
    • A little cumin powder

    Firstly, juice the lemons and the grapefruits.

    Second, chop the ginger and garlic into small pieces and place them in a bowl with the …

    Cleansing the liver helps it produce better, more efficient bile. That helps your body flush toxins and break down fat more effectively. It also makes more energy-giving nutrients available to your body and reduces strain on your digestive and immune systems. Your elimination improves, and your colon is relieved of unnecessary burdens. The net effect: You look and feel better, and it becomes far easier for you to achieve and maintain your ideal weight.

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