
  • Healthy Lungs, Herbal Remedy, Anyone?

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    Pills, Tablets, Capsules, Nebules, Syrups maybe on hand for every need of medication. But if you want a natural way to remedy any lung problem, why not try these special herbs.As allergies starts to trigger, coughing follows or any number of respiratory ailments, such as asthma, pressure on your lungs. We see a lot of medications advertised and on promotions and cost too much.Well, there are countless of them, and there are natural ways to provide our lungs with relief that don’t involve over-the-counter medications.

    Herbs that help respiratory ailments

    1. Coltsfoot

    This herb is excellent for cleaningmucusfrom the lungs and bronchial tubes. Additionally, if you’re suffering from a cough due to allergies or even a late cold, coltsfoot (known scientifically asTussilago farfara) soothes the lungs and mucous membranes. It is also good to take if you are suffering from any number of respiratory ailments, such asbronchitis,whooping cough, and emphysema. For respiratory relief, either steep two teaspoons for 15 minutes for a tea, or use one teaspoon three times a day in tincture form.

    It is important to note that recent findings may suggest coltsfoot could be toxic if taken for a prolonged period; due to its undefinedsafetyclassification from theFood and DrugAdministration, it is best to take this herb in lower doses for just a short period of time.
    2. Elecampane

    If you’re looking to kill bacteria, elecampane (Inula helenium) lessens coughs and expels excess mucus from the lungs. If you’re suffering from any respiratory ailments, this herb alleviates fever …

    These may be available on hand in the herbal garden; we still have to be responsible for its every use. Proper use and preparation are necessary for a safe intake. Put in mind that no matter how effective the product is but irresponsible intake will result in discomfort and disadvantageous effects, and that is the same with any herbal plants. It is best to consult with medical doctors too for any special cases such as pregnant moms, lactating moms as well. Alternative medications are helpful, useful, and pocket stress-free still take precautions. An ounce of prevention is a pound of cure. Start planting herbs!

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