The French government have stated that the use of aluminum adjuvants and HPV vaccines’ benefit versus risk profile is a big no and will always be under intense scrutiny. France facilitated a scientific debate last May 22, 2014. Both of the Stakeholders from both sides of the vaccine were able to present their argument on a scientific grounds. Representative from these vaccines were not able to satisfy the French Parliament, French Senate, health authorities and medical professionals, they found their argument to be weak and unstable.
Moreover, instead of putting emphasis on the scientific theory presented by those who represent the vaccine, the French government officials were moved to listen to the victims and their story about the adverse events they themselves experience after vaccination. Not only that, the French government has put so much attention to listen to the survivors of vaccine injury and scientists who discourage the use of the vaccine. On a recent event, France held a meeting and a discussion about their government and the medication along with the two top brands (Gardasil and Cervarix) but it turned out to be a debate.
Dr. Philippe de Chazournes recently sponsored an open letter to the French Minister of Health calling for the establishment of a parliamentary mission to investigate various aspects of HPV vaccination campaigns. (more information here) Over 200 medical professionals signed the letter confirming their agreement with the stated concerns about the safety, efficacy, and necessity of using Gardasil and Cervarix in national cervical cancer prevention programs.
Michele Rivasi, MEP, chaired roundtable discussions pertaining to the questions raised in Dr. de Chazournes letter to the French Health Ministry.
Stakeholders representing both sides of the debate were invited to attend as well as members of the French Parliament, representatives from Sanofi-Pasteur MSD, and national health authorities. Drs. G. Delepine, N. Delepine, A. Siary, Cl-Michal Teitelbaum, JP Hamon, and Mr. Coletti were in attendance along with many other interested parties.
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The topics open …
It is very important that we should try to know what medications are we associated with, it is also vital that manufacturers of huge pharma should also speak up openly about the side effects of the vaccines rather than surprised the public in a very ill manner. The government particularly France is only protecting the people, and so, HPV vaccine has been weigh and was found unfit for human used.
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