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The U.S. Health and Human Services published a 46-page draft proposal and notice in the Federal Register recently regarding more mandated vaccines for adults, and especially pregnant females; employer-enforced adult vaccinations; and probably for getting faith-based groups to uptake and not oppose vaccines/vaccinations.
Vaccination is considered one of the most important public health achievements of the 20th century and continues to offer great promise in the 21st century. Vaccines save lives and improve the quality of life by preventing serious infectious diseases and their consequences. However, the benefits of vaccination are not realized equally across the U.S. population. Adult vaccination rates remain low in the United States, and significant racial and ethnic disparities also exist.
That’s what the new Federal Register publication is all about! Apparently, the feds want adults to get as many vaccines as MDs are pumping into children.
The NAIP is a five-year national plan. As a national plan, it will require engagement from a wide range of stakeholders to achieve its full vision. The plan emphasizes collaboration and prioritization of efforts that will have the greatest impact.
There are four key goals they want to establish by 2020 with the NAIP:
Goal 1: Strengthen the adult immunization infrastructure.
Goal 2: Improve access to adult vaccines.
Goal 3: Increase community demand for adult immunizations.
Goal 4: Foster innovation in adult vaccine development and vaccination-related technologies.
What neither HHS, the CDC/FDA, nor anyone associated with the vaccine industry will admit to, I contend, is this: With all the vaccines they have mandated for children since the middle 1980s—supposedly for entry into schools—they have – either accidentally or deliberately – created reduced-functioning immune systems that cannot perform in the manner Nature and life intends and genetically programs.
Vaccine makers, in effect, have created what they think is ‘immunity’, which actually is an antigen response that, consequently, can produce inflammatory processes in the body, including the brain. An apparent end result is deficient immune systems as children grow into adulthood and older. Chronic “old-age diseases” now are plaguing young children! See “Coping with Chronic Illnesses in Childhood and Adolescence” (2012) .
“Diminishing function of the aging immune system” clearly will result in—and federally require—periodic re-vaccination in order to effectuate Big Pharma’s vaccination-produced acquired immune system, which apparently malfunctions, in my opinion. How many fully-vaccinated individuals contract the very diseases for which they are vaccinated? How many children have allergies, asthma, and other immune problems? See allergy stats here. Wow!
The diminishing function of the aging immune system is an unfortunate health status that results, I think, from decades of HHS, CDC, FDA, Congress, and the media apparently believing—plus promoting—‘tobacco-science’ produced by Big Pharma, that’s propagated by corporate money and lobbyists, in my opinion.
Nevertheless, this information needs to be ‘digested’:
As shown in Table 1, despite the health benefits that result from implementation of ACIP recommendations, adults continue to be vaccinated at low and variable rates. In contrast, childhood vaccination rates in the United States typically exceed 90 percent. The success of childhood vaccination [Can one call so much Autism success?] can be attributed to many factors unique to pediatric vaccination, such as state laws requiring vaccination for school entry and the coordinated public health infrastructure established by the Vaccines for Children Program (VFC), a federally funded program to provide free vaccines to children who are Medicaid eligible, uninsured, underinsured, or American Indian or Alaskan Native.
On page 3 of the HHS draft, and throughout, reference is made to “stakeholder groups”. Just who are they? Furthermore, aren’t the largest “stakeholders” involved, all adults in the USA? Furthermore, I’m questioning the effect citizens’ comments and input will have, since the draft is written as something that’s a given—fait accompli! In reading the draft, readers can learn what “barriers” those stakeholder groups and researchers discuss.
However, following is an area/arena where the plan probably will encounter resistance:
The success of this plan will depend on the synergies between state, local, territorial, and tribal governments; health care providers; advocacy groups; vaccine manufacturers; academia and research organizations; payers and health plans; employers; and the general public to work together to overcome barriers and improve access to adult vaccinations.
The feds apparently expect this plan to produce Healthy People by 2020. Well, if I can offer a forecast, I think it will be this: The USA will have such an overabundance of dreadfully seriously sick citizens, from all age groups, that no one will know what to do. However, senior citizens—75 and older—probably will be mandated by law to be subject to compulsory and legal euthanasia. Do you think that’s in ObamaCare too?
US Media Blackout:
Italian Court Rules Vaccines Cause Autism
Recent Italian Court Decisions on Vaccines and AutismThen, as recently as 2014, William Thompson, PhD, blew the whistle on how he fudged vaccine study papers regarding the link between vaccines and Autism.
So, can the CDC be trusted to identify causal links between vaccines and adverse events and correct them since, apparently, past history has proven they conspire to hide them?
On Page 12 under Objective 1.2, this appears:
Vaccines have a long track record of safety and effectiveness in adults…
The first vaccine for rotavirus, a common cause of severe childhood diarrheal illness, RotaShield, was licensed and recommended for routine childhood immunization in 1998. Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, however, withdrew the vaccine in 1999 due to safety concerns. Scientists associated the vaccine with a rare intestinal problem called intussusception, a potentially fatal telescoping of part of the bowel.
According to the CDC in 1999, rotavirus was causing 20 to 40 infant deaths annually in the US when the first rotavirus vaccine, RotaShield, was introduced. It was estimated that about 50,000 hospitalizations occurred in the US because of severe diarrhea and dehydration.
Again, I’d like to make a prediction: Newborns will have more health problems than at any time in medical history! Between vaccines given to pregnant mothers, which probably will cross the placental wall, and all the ultrasound frequencies from as early as 6 to 7 weeks in pregnancy, babies surely are going to birth with more ‘fried’ brains than ever. Ultrasound/sonograms can cause cavitation in brain cells.
A rise in temperature of fetal tissue—especially since the expectant mother cannot even feel it—might not seem alarming, but temperature increases can cause significant damage to a developing fetus's central nervous system, according to research.
In the draft they talk about resolving vaccine injury claims and VEARS in several places. However, the track record at the “Vaccine Court” is less than admirable or equitable, I’d say. As of the end of fiscal 2014, there were 3,540 claims paid but 9,734 were dismissed—almost a 3 to 1 ratio of vaccine adverse events claims NOT paid. And, when that happens to you or your child, you are saddled for life with medical bills that are unimaginable!
Under the topic “Increase Community Demand for Adult Immunizations,” we find that there apparently will be constant ‘badgering’ campaigns to receive vaccinations. Numerous pages about “how to” indicate that it’s going to be unavoidable, plus probably “in-your-face” too, and everywhere!
*Note that the published immunization schedule does not include 2014 ACIP recommendations related to the use of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine among adults aged ≥65 years.
Additionally, valents in a vaccine refer to an antigen or organism for a specific disease. So, a 13-valent vaccine means 13 antigens, while the 23-valent vaccine means 23 antigens! Antigens usually are associated with aluminum in order to produce/acquire ‘an adaptive immune response’—in any combination of four formulations: Aluminum hydroxide, Aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, Aluminum phosphate, and Aluminum potassium sulfate.
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