
  • Cutting-Edge Natural Cancer-Fighters

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    Dosage recommendations are geared toward our recommended prevention doses. In no way does this discussion imply that any of these are treatment recommendations for your individual condition. Treatment doses of these antioxidants should be individualized to each person’s unique biochemistry and medical condition under the supervision of a health care provider knowledgeable in this area of targeted pharmacological nutritional therapy.

    by Dr. Victor Marchione

    Three of the best substances for boosting immunity are pycnogenol, resveratrol, and green tea. Pycnogenol is a patented blend of bioflavonoids that are derived from pine bark. These bioflavonoids hook up with vitamin C and help to boost immune function. There is evidence to suggest that pycnogenol may play a special role in strengthening the walls of the capillaries, helping to stave off inflammation. The bioflavonoids in pine bark may also help protect against cancer. Although pycnogenol has been patented fairly recently, the use of pine bark as a healing substance has been a part of Native American medicine right from the beginning. There is certainly some evidence that shows that a tea brewed from the needles and bark of certain evergreen trees helped to cure scurvy. You might not realize that there’s a rich variety of flavonoids that are found in evergreen trees. Two of the …

    Pycnogenol is a patented blend of bioflavonoids that are derived from pine bark. These bioflavonoids hook up with vitamin C and help to boost immune function. There is evidence to suggest that pycnogenol may play a special role in strengthening the walls of the capillaries, helping to stave off inflammation. The bioflavonoids in pine bark may also help protect against cancer. Another amazing substance you can turn to boost your health and protect against cancer is resveratrol. Resveratrol is present in a few foods, but is most famously found in red wine. Resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes. This flavonoid is great for protecting the heart and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. What’s more, resveratrol is able to stop cancer growth at all three of its stages: initiation, promotion, and progression. Resveratrol is also good for inhibiting the clumping of white blood cells. To get the most resveratrol per glass of wine, keep in mind that white wines generally contain no resveratrol. The best source of resveratrol in red wine comes from those beverages made from Pinot Noir grapes. Understandably, you may not want to get your resveratrol from drinking lots of alcohol. Instead, you can take resveratrol supplements. This is a great option for anyone who would like to treat an existing case of heart disease or cancer as well.


    Staff Writer

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