After years of leading the charge against GMO, California now has its own anti-GMO/pro-organic political candidate. James Hinton, an Independent running for California’s US House District 5, has come out strong against the proliferation of GM food in the US food supply as well as in the environment. Hinton has also taken a strong stand in favor of GMO labeling.
Hinton has received an impressive amount of support already, despite running against an opponent who is a career politician with a sizable campaign purse. Hinton has amassed endorsements from a variety of organizations from the NRA to the Tax Wall Street Party but, even more important, he has received the endorsement of California voters.
Hinton has already survived the California primary and received enough votes to be the only candidate facing Democrat Mike Thompson in the general election. There have been a number of anti-GMO candidates in the past in California and elsewhere but Hintons campaign appears to be the most promising.
While Hinton would prefer to see a world free of GMOs, he is also aware of the practical limitations to that goal in the current political climate. It is for this reason that Hinton has stated his full support behind labeling efforts.
Hinton supports labeling on the …
After the research and intense effort, Hinton began a regimen of natural remedies and a strict diet of non-gmo, organic foods. He says that, after his application of allopathic medicine, natural medicine and natural food, his health made a 180 degree turn for the better. He now feels better than ever and, after a few months, was diagnosed as being cancer free.Please Read this Article at
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