“Prediabetes — even at lower levels of impaired fasting glucose (IFG) as defined by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) — is associated with a significant increase in cancer risk that is independent of the effects of obesity, according to the results of a large new meta-analysis. Yuli Huang, MD, PhD, from First People’s Hospital of Shunde, Foshan, China, and colleagues found that prediabetes was associated with a 15% increased risk for cancer overall, based on data derived from 16 prospective cohort studies, with differing risks depending on the type of cancer. The risk was particularly increased for liver cancer and stomach or colorectal cancer.
More than one out of three Americans aged 20 and older has prediabetes, a condition in which your glucose, or blood sugar, levels are higher than normal, but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as full-blown diabetes.
For those with prediabetes (86 million Americans in all), 15 percent to 30 percent will go on to develop type 2 diabetes within five years. This is virtually always preventable if you change your diet and exercise, however, which is why a diagnosis of prediabetes can be viewed as a serious warning that your lifestyle needs some attention.
Prediabetes Increases Your Risk of Cancer by 15 Percent
A meta-analysis that included data from nearly 900,000 people found that those with prediabetes have a 15 percent higher risk of cancer, especially cancers of the liver, stomach, pancreas, breast, and endometrium.
Excess body fat, which is known to increase both cancer and type 2 diabetes risks, is often pinpointed …
A consensus report published in the journal Diabetes Care in 2010 confirms the association between cancer and diabetes. Scientists have questioned whether this association is due to diabetes itself, or due to the effect of treatments for diabetes. The fact that patients with prediabetes have an increased risk of developing cancer—even in the absence of treatment—suggests that the disease process of diabetes itself, and not the treatments for the condition, are the cause of the increased risk of cancer.
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