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The thing about being pregnant is that, not only you experience a lot of different discomfort in your body, but also a lot of odd things in your mind, when your body is complaining it will all come back to your mind, you get depress, insecure or even cause you to panic. Symptoms of a pregnant woman is tardiness; in the first few weeks of pregnancy you will always feel like you are tired physically (but some of this feeling are just psychological). This is probably due to the changes of your hormones inside your body. ‘Morning sickness’ is also likely, this is when you start to feel sick and throw up, this usually happened if you are 1 to 2 months pregnant. It could happen regardless of period. It will occur randomly.
Pregnant woman is also prone to a sudden change of mood, or what they call “Mood swings” they actually tend to be very sensitive on a lot of things, they became insecure for no reasons. This changes are triggered because of the activity of hormones in the body. It is also very common for them to eat much and look for food that they don’t usually eat. Their taste in food will drastically change. These signs of pregnancy are just a fraction of what is happening inside a woman’s body when she is pregnant, and most of the time they are stress out because of this, and if they could not cope up with it, they sometimes yield to it and this would result to mental illness.
A certain Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, Director of MAPrc, spearheaded the study that would link antipsychotic medication to having a negative effect on babies during pregnancy stage:
The observational study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, reveals that whilst most women gave birth to healthy babies, the use of mood stabilisers or higher doses of antipsychotics during pregnancy increased the need for special care after birth with 43 per cent of babies placed in a Special Care Nursery (SCN) or a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), almost three times the national rate in Australia. As well as an increased likelihood of the need for intensive care, the world-first study by experts from the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc) and Monash University, shows antipsychotic drugs affects babies in other ways; 18 per cent were born prematurely, 37 per cent showed signs of respiratory distress and 15 per cent developed withdrawal symptoms.
Principal investigator, Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, Director of MAPrc, said the study highlights the need for clearer health guidelines when antipsychotic drugs are taken during pregnancy. Theres been …
A pregnant should be given a safe environment, by that I meant -accessible to the things she needs like food, resting area, emotional support and extra care. Deprivation from these things would result to discomfort and depression this is because they are emotionally sensitive.
Don’t forget to read more about this article at:
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