
  • Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria In Organic Meat?

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    Most crops in the US are grown with the aid of various synthetic chemicals including pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and fungicides. Toxic residues from these chemicals are found on conventionally grown fruit and vegetables. The Food Quality Protection Act (1996) recognizes that many of the chemicals used present unacceptably high health risks, particularly to infants and children. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 60% of herbicides, 90% of fungicides and 30% of insecticides are carcinogenic.

    Chemical residues from crops contaminate water sources. Agricultural runoff has affected the drinking water of over 14 million Americans in the Corn Belt and Chesapeake Bay regions alone. A recent survey in America found that more than 90% of water sources (and more than 50% of wells) contained one or more pesticides. The same was true for more than 90% of fish. Reducing synthetic chemical use by supporting organic agriculture will result in higher quality, healthier water supplies.

    There is a dizzying and vicious cycle of the overuse of antibiotics in meat production.

    Animals make up over three quarters of antibiotic use which has helped create a public health crisis.

    We are now on third-generation drugs that are not combating the bacteria they were designed to eradicate.

    Resistant bacteria is even found in antibiotic-free meats. Now, multiple drug-resistant bacteria is contaminating organic chicken – but how? And how do we avoid exposure? Especially for those who cannot or choose not to eliminate meat from their diet.

    Dr. Greger describes above some reasons why organic chicken is now tainted with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. One reason is the sheer amount of waste run-off from farms. But the information somewhat ends there.

    The punchline at the end of the video shows not only how far consumers and store employees have become removed from food sources, but also just how hard it is to …


    Consumer surveys have also shown that people prefer the taste of grass-fed beef over conventional grain-fed beef. Not only is grass-fed beef lower in fat, it also contains higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, both associated with reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

    Even restaurants are becoming more aware of the advantages of organic food. In a 1997 survey by Food and Wine magazine, 76% of chefs questioned said they “actively seek out organically grown ingredients.” And a number of the 50 best restaurants ranked by Gourmet magazine in 2001 support organic techniques and sustainable agriculture.

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