Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible and degenerative disease wherein the brain tissue accumulates plaques from protein deposits and tangles. The once vigorous nerve cells now work less effectively. In the course of time they lose function of communicating with each other and then they die ultimately.
By the final phase of this disease, tissue necrosis is evident and the brain begins to shrink in size.
Alzheimer’s disease, which affects an estimated 5.2 million Americans.
According to the latest data, the death toll from Alzheimer’s exceeds half a million Americans per year.2 This places Alzheimer’s in the top three killer diseases in the US, right behind heart disease and cancer.
There’s no square cure, and few if any positive medical treatments accessible once develops Alzheimer’s. There is, however, convincing proof signifying that your diet plays a major role. This means you may have somewhat a bit of control when it comes to preventing the onset of this disease.
In earlier articles, I’ve conferred the relationship between high-carb, low-fat diets, and Alzheimer’s. It turns out that sugar is the biggest developer of the disease. Some research even proposes that Alzheimer’s may be a type of “brain diabetes,” initiated by consuming foods high in sugar and/or fructose.
The dietary relations do not stop there. Just recently, researchers propose that this serious form of dementia may possibly be connected to eating meat from animals confined in farms particularly in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
The Intriguing Connections Between Alzheimer’s, Mad Cow, and Chronic Wasting Disease
The key player here is an infectious protein called TDP-43. This protein has already been linked to a number of animal and human diseases, including:
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease)
- Mad Cow disease
- Chronic wasting disease, a transmissible neurological disease in deer and elk
Scientists uncovered that this protein may prove to be a part of Alzheimer’s disease. It is associated with shriveling of the hippocampus, the part of the brain where memory is stored, thus memory loss.
Feeding Animals Animal-Byproducts Is a Common CAFO Farming Technique, and It Can Be Deadly
Mad Cow Disease has been linked to Chronic Wasting Disease. This is due to the fact that natural plant-eating animals confined in the farm are fed with animal by-products and this very practice is dreadful.
Even animals that are naturally both plant and meat eaters are fed with byproducts of their own kind. This poses a threat because an infection coming from only one sick animal can quickly proliferate.
As explained by the Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance, the infectious agent that causes both Mad Cow and Chronic Wasting Disease is believed to be prions—an infectious type of protein—not bacteria or viruses. While some prions6 serve beneficial cell functions, others, acting like an infectious agent, are known to cause neurodegeneration. TDP-43 is in this latter category.
According to a University of Pennsylvania report titled, “The Saga of a Disease Protein,”7 TDP-43 reacts to oxidative stress, suggesting that antioxidant therapy might be helpful for disease prevention.
Mad Cow Disease Is a Man-Made Plague
CAFO’s way of solution by feeding an animal with its own kind is not so good of an idea. Cows fed with bone meal and waste products from other cattle infected with Mad Cow Disease is a very good way of transmitting the disease itself.
The outcome of it is that it’s now prohibited to feed beef-based products to cows. The beef industry dodges this regulation by using a feed product known as “chicken litter”. From the sound of it, it can even be a worse type of feed.
Chicken litter is composed of a mix of chicken poo, dead chickens, feathers, is also comprised of nearly one-third spilled chicken feed, which includes cow meat and bone meal used to feed the chickens. These are the very ingredients that are considered to be forbidden for cows. How is this different from feeding animals with bone meal and other beef byproducts then?
Pigs, chickens, and turkeys can also be fed cattle byproducts, and current laws permit byproducts of those animals to be fed back to cattle.8 This is yet another loophole that can allow Mad Cow agents to infect healthy cattle—and you, should you end up eating any of these infected meats.
The CAFO-Alzheimer’s Connection
Eating CAFO meat brings a number of health perils, including the infrequent incidence of Mad Cow disease. Can the infectious microorganisms linked to Mad Cow, Chronic Wasting, and Alzheimer’s be spread through CAFO meats as well? Mad Cow Disease is a prion disease that can be spread in CAFOs in the blink of an eye. And there’s assumption that sick cows, which is grinded for feed to chickens and other non-bovine animals, may be retransferring the disease by traveling in the food chain, although secondarily.
CAFO animals are also fed genetically engineered (GE) grains which are also known to produce proteins that are unacquainted and new to the food chain. This protein could be unfamiliar to the human body as well particularly the brain thus linking it to Alzheimer’s.
Chronic Wasting Disease—Another Aspect of the Same Problem
Quickly increasing among deer and elk is the disease called spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).This came about due to domesticating wild animals. They remain transmissible for the rest of their life, infecting land and water as they go along.
Losing Your Mind for the Sake of a Burger
The idea that neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and ALS may be spread via CAFO foods is not entirely new. A 2005 study16 published in the journal Medical Hypotheses, titled: “Thinking the unthinkable: Alzheimer's, Creutzfeldt-Jakob and Mad Cow disease: the age-related reemergence of virulent, foodborne, bovine tuberculosis or losing your mind for the sake of a shake or burger,” states:
“In the opinion of experts, ample justification exists for considering a similar pathogenesis for Alzheimer's, Creutzfeldt-Jakob and the other spongiform encephalopathies such as Mad Cow disease. In fact, Creutzfeldt-Jakob and Alzheimer's often coexist and at this point are thought to differ merely by time-dependent physical changes. A recent study links up to 13 percent of all ‘Alzheimer's’ victims as really having Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.”[Emphasis mine]
The researchers also note that bovine tuberculosis serves as a vector for human Mad Cow Disease. Bovine tuberculosis (caused by Mycobacterium bovis and M. avium-intracellulare or paratuberculosis) is one of the most prevalent disease threats in American CAFOs, and the researchers quote USDA data suggesting that anywhere from 20-40 percent of American dairy herds are infected at any given time! According to the authors:
“The health risk for milk tainted with M. bovis has been known for decades and there was a time not so long ago when ‘tuberculin-tested’ was printed on every milk container. Schliesser stated that meat from tuberculous animals may also constitute a significant risk of infection. At the turn of the 20th century 25 percent of the many US deaths from TB in adults were caused by M. bovis. Dairy products aside, when past and present meat consumption are factored in, there is three times the risk of developing Alzheimer's in meat eaters as opposed to vegetarians.
The investigation into the causal trail for Creutzfeldt-Jakob, indistinguishable from Alzheimer's except for its shorter, lethal course might have grown cold where it not for Roel's and others who linked mad cow in cattle with M. bovis and related paratuberculosis on clinical, pathologic and epidemiological grounds. The southwest of the UK, the very cradle of British BSE and CJD outbreaks, saw an exponential increase in bovine tuberculosis just prior to its spongiform outbreaks. All of this brings up the unthinkable: that Alzheimer's, Cruetzfeldt-Jackob, and Mad Cow Disease might just be caused by eating the meat or dairy in consumer products or feed.”
Are We Paying Far Too High a Price for Cheap Meat?
For me the answer is yes. We are paying an immensely high price for meat produced in factory farms. If proven, Alzheimer ’s disease in connection with infected farm bred animals will astonish everyone.
Organic, grass-fed and finished meat that is humanely raised and butchered is really about the only type of meat that is healthy to eat. By purchasing your meat from smaller farms that raise their animals in a humane fashion, according to organic principles, you're promoting the proliferation of such farms, which in the end will not only help protect your health, it will ultimately benefit everyone, including the animals, by putting the brakes on farming practices that are actively sowing the seeds of degenerative diseases.
It all comes down to farming practices. Animals’ hygiene and food intake should not be understated because if they do, this will remain a never ending cycle of infections and diseases in animals that will be more detrimental in humans since we consume their products. When we change the course nature has set for us, we change the way or bodies’ susceptibility or defense against diseases.
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