All too often, Western medicine’s view of acupuncture is that of a complementary treatment holding an inferior position next to chemical drugs and pharmaceutical treatments. Yet, what most licensed acupuncturists can attest to instead of being a second string bench warmer, is that their craft is often the star player.
With acupuncture having roots in Chinese medicine going back over 5000 years, it seems silly to choose such a title for this article. Yet, in the 21st century, it appears that the United States is only beginning to dive into the layers of possibility concerning deployment of acupuncture in many different areas.
All too often, Western medicines view of acupuncture is that of a complementary treatment holding an inferior position next to chemical drugs and pharmaceutical treatments. Yet, what most licensed acupuncturists can attest to instead of being a second string bench warmer, is that their craft is often the star player.
We can do better.
1. PTSD and Sleep. There is mounting evidence being made public that the Veterans Association (VA) has put the military men and women of the United States second to agendas and bottom lines. Instead of parroting nightmarish headlines about continuous VA scandals and …
Not only do some of these techniques have the potential to bring relief and reduce dependency on medication, they also may help motivate reluctant veterans toward traditional approaches and lead those already in treatment to be more engaged and compliant. Awareness of using CAM techniques to treat PTSD can help social workers bring peace to minds disquieted by the stresses, horrors, and catastrophes of war and heal bodies battered by combat and weakened by emotional distress.
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