On July 1, 2014—the bill, HB 268 (SB 51), have turned a law in the state of Virginia, this law covers a protection on a certain agricultural operations and local activities. This legislative act was spearheaded by local organizations and individuals in the thousands more in all of the land. This is said to be the first bills signed into law by Governor Terry McAuliffe. The bill had set up quite a stir and on its latest chapter relating to the controversy that grab the attention of everyone in 2012 when the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors have imposed a regulation to stop Martha Boneta from selling produce from her own 64-acre farm. She was restricted to sell the vegetables she had harvested from her farm, Boneta then donated the food to local charities otherwise it would rot and be wasted. Not only that, Fauquier County officials have also threatened Boneta to be fined $15,000 every day just because she was able to host a birthday party for young toddlers with a proper a permit to promote pumpkin carvings in the area. The locals have seen this abuse which led different Virginians to come out and defend her.
The bill, HB 268, became law in Virginia yesterday, protecting certain activities at agricultural operations from local regulation. One of the first bills signed into law by Governor Terry McAuliffe, the non-partisan legislation became statewide law at the urging of grassroots organizations and individuals.
The bill becoming law marks the latest chapter in a controversy that attracted nationwide attention in 2012 when the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors forced family farmer Martha Boneta to cease selling produce from her own 64-acre farm. No longer allowed to sell the vegetables she had harvested, Boneta donated the food to local charities rather than let it go to waste.
Boneta is a member of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), which offered her legal aid during the crisis. She is a keynote speaker at the FTCLDF 2014 Farm Freedom Fest in September, along with Joel Salatin, another farmer who worked alongside her on this bill.
In …
This is definitely a good news for those small farmers who have long been abuse and threatened by huge companies related to GMO industry. This law will be a symbol of hope to those who prefers to eat their own harvest rather than depend on GMO products.
Don’t forget to read the rest of the article at: Naturalblaze.com
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