You may know that dark chocolate is a healthier choice than milk chocolate and that the cocoa in chocolate can offer a wide range of health benefits. What you may not know is that most dark chocolate today is so highly processed that it loses most of its nutrient and antioxidant strength and really provides you with nothing more than excess sugar and fat.
Weve written about the health benefits of cocoa before. It is packed with antioxidants that destroy free radicals, the chemicals that accelerate aging, inflammation and increase the potential for a range of diseases. Eating a little dark chocolate can reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. It can even improve blood pressure and blood vessel health, and improve your HDL cholesterol. We all have heard the studies about how great cocoa is, but we cant just go around chowing down on chocolate bars. The benefits are too often far outweighed by the negative consequences of the fat and refined sugar we tend pair with our raw cocoa powder.Instead, here are healthful ways to add cocoa powder to your diet without any of the negative stuff that ruins cocoas goodness.
Puddings (even for breakfast!)
Think you cant have chocolate pudding for breakfast? Think again. Heres a fantastic recipe for Chocolate Cottage Cheese Chia Pudding high in protein, itll keep you …
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