
  • Sign Of Mineral Deficiencies: Unhealthy Food Cravings

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    Even while kicking the standard American diet (SAD), even after leaving SAD behind, those nasty little junk or processed food cravings can re-emerge. They're like the munchies after coming down from pot or booze.

    But cravings don't need any drug or alcohol stimulus to overcome us. Cravings have more than one motive or causality. A slow detox from SAD while eating healthy over time encourages toxin elimination.

    The toxins from the foods that had invited those toxins earlier stimulate the desire for another taste of that food as those toxins are eliminated.


    Most of us have, at one point in our lives, experienced intense cravings for unhealthy foods. Whether it be for chocolate, donuts, salty snacks or refined carbs, our bodies appear to want them — and we’re often all too happy to submit.

    There’s just one problem: Eating these foods doesn’t seem to end the cravings. What is going on here? Are our bodies playing a cruel joke on us? Well, not quite.

    Science now understands that these cravings are a sign that your body needs certain minerals that can be found in unhealthy foods but are best acquired from whole foods. Indeed, only by acquiring minerals from natural sources, in which all nutrients are optimized for superior absorption, can we hope to finally end the cravings that plague our lives.

    Chocolate: magnesium

    Chocolate is the most commonly-reported craving in the Western world, so it shouldn’t surprise us that it is linked to a nutrient …

    Whenever your food cravings hit, consider that it's not really chocolate brownies or salty French fries your body needs at that moment in time. Your body most likely didn't receive enough protein at the last snack or meal, and now your body wants you to fuel it up as quickly as possible.

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