Studies conducted over the last decade have clearly demonstrated the link between adverse reactions to Psycho-Pharmaceutical medications and underactive or underperforming CYP450 enzymes. This has caused some to wonder whether or not the recent uptick in mass shootings and the obvious link to many of the perpetrators and prescription drugs could be related to the performance of the CYP450 enzymes. Additional research, however, is now causing more questions to be asked in reference to the connections that chemicals like Glyphosate
In January, 2013, I wrote an article entitled, Psychiatric Drugs, School Violence, And The Big Pharma Cover-up, where I discussed the importance of the CYP450 enzymes on the metabolism of pharmaceutical drugs and the potential for adverse effects of those drugs if the CYP450 enzyme was not functioning properly.
Studies conducted over the last decade have clearly demonstrated the link between adverse reactions to Psycho-Pharmaceutical medications and underactive or underperforming CYP450 enzymes. This has caused some to wonder whether or not the recent uptick in mass shootings and the obvious link to many of the perpetrators and prescription drugs could be related to the performance of the CYP450 enzymes. Additional research, however, is now causing more questions to be asked in reference to the connections that chemicals like Glyphosate may have in the inhibition of proper CYP450 performance and, thus, in the uptick in mass shootings.
For those unfamiliar …
This cutting edge information. Mass shootings, suicides, adverse reactions to vaccines, Autism, chronic illness, diabetes, obesity, asthma…are the results of the body not being able to detoxify toxins through its natural major detox channel – Cytochrome P450 . This field of focus on drug interactions on the body is called Pharmacogenetics. Education amongst the medical profession has been suppressed by the pharmacuetical industry. Yet all classifications physicians today are prescribing medications without understand the status of the individuals ability to metablolize these drugs and rid them from the body.
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