Many families are having a tough time economically this year. For those who have suffered a job loss, a foreclosure, or have exorbitant looming bills, the holidays can be a time for stress instead of enjoyment. But contrary to what you may think, you don’t have to spend an entire month’s grocery budget to put together a memorable and delicious Thanksgiving dinner. You can make a lot of it right from your pantry!
If youve been building a stockpile, then the food in your pantry contains all sorts of basics for scratch cooking, purchased at the lowest prices available. Because of this, you can focus on purchasing only a few special items, like a turkey or a must-have goodie that is a tradition in your family, while you enjoy delicious yet thrifty treats for the rest of your Thanksgiving dinner.
Dont feel obligated to invest in out-of-season delicacies like fresh berries and asparagus in November! Focus on the produce that is in season, and supplement this with canned and frozen fruits and vegetables. Make the presentation lovely, with fancy toothpicks in the appetizers and your nicest china.
Break out the vintage cookbooks when looking for creative ways to use your pantry stockpile. My favorite cookbook is my old Fanny Farmer cookbook, which was written in …
To ensure that your Thanksgiving is festive regardless of any emergencies that may occur, we have put together a few recipes for your convenience. These frugal recipes can all be made easily with stockpiled foods. Most of the foods that are in these recipes have long shelf lives and affordable price tags which make them ideal for your pantry.
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