We looked to our readers to find out why home canning is experiencing a modern revival. Their answer: Canning produces flavorful, high-quality food that saves money, builds self-reliance and creates lifelong memories. Check out some of their responses and get inspired to start stocking your pantry with home-canned food.
Im very excited to introduce my new book, The Organic Canner. The book has been 3 years in the making, and those years were filled with measuring, adjusting, tasting, and testing the recipes out on my children. It contains 242 pages of information, how-tos, and delicious recipes. I wrote this to help provide an alternative to our dependence on the grocery store, with its toxic, chemical-laden faux food.
The instructions are written with the beginning canner in mind, and USDA guidelines are strictly adhered to for maximum safety. The recipes cover a broad scope: everything from jams and salsas to full meals that only need to be heated up. Nearly every page has a charming sketch, lending to the books old-fashioned charm.
From time immemorial, preserving the harvest was a vital preparation to …
With the simplest method of canning — water bath canning — you fill jars with acidic food such as tomatoes, berries or cucumbers in vinegar, cover them with lids and boil them in an open pan of water until a seal forms under the lid. This action forces air out of the food and out of the jar and creates a vacuum in an acidic environment in which bacteria will not thrive.
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