
  • Old-Time Remedy for Modern Ailments: Cookbook Authors Proposed

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    Healthy diet concept

    Pity the poor Victorian-era family whose bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ran dry. It was touted as an indispensable aid to quiet bawling babies and teething tots, and it packed a wallop of an ingredient: morphine.

    Today, no one would dream of calming an infant with morphine, but the museum of medicine is littered with such discarded remedies. Some were fanciful potions that quacks concocted to make a buck, while others were legitimate — even revered — treatments that eventually yielded to more enlightened science.

    Could grandma's chicken soup really be the antidote for modern ills?

    Sally Fallon Morell, author of the best selling Nourishing Traditions cookbook, teams up with Dr. Kaayla Daniel, PhD clinical nutritionist in a new book, Nourishing Broth-An Old Fashioned Remedy for the Modern World.

    Both will be appearing at the Wise Traditions International Conference this November 7-10 in Indianapolis.

    NOURISHING BROTH: An Old-Fashioned Remedy for the Modern World

    Nourishing Traditions examines where the modern food industry has hurt our nutrition and health through over-processed foods and fears of animal fats. NOURISHING BROTH will continue the look at the culinary practices of our ancestors, and it will explain the immense health benefits of homemade bone broth due to the gelatin and collagen that is present in real bone broth (vs. broth made from powders).

    NOURISHING BROTH will explore the science behind broth's unique combination of amino acids, minerals and cartilage …

    Doctors used arsenic and mercury to treat syphilisbefore the introduction of penicillin in the 1940s. One company sold heroin tablets to relieve asthmasymptoms. Old medicines and antique urinals? Check out one collector's story. Cocaine drops for toothache came on the market after doctors discovered its pain-relieving qualities. One Belgian company even promoted cocaine throat lozenges as “indispensable for singers, teachers and orators.” Dentists and surgeons also used cocaine as an anesthetic. While doctors of the late 1800s considered these drugs legitimate, a whole range of shady patent medicines, sometimes called “nostrums,” also flourished during that period.

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