The biotechnology industry says it has genetically modified a fish that grows at twice the normal rate, so it can get to market sooner and make more money, faster. But this dangerous lab experiment is all hype and full of downsides to consumers, salmon growers and the environment. If approved, GM salmon would be the first “transgenic” animal allowed into our food supply. It’s also unlikely that it would have to be labeled, so you might not even know you’re eating it.
By Natural BlazeConfirmed: AquaBounty has asked for approval of its genetically modified (GM) salmon for human consumption in Canada. For years, it's been a swim to the finish line to see who will approve first: Canada or the U.S.
Lucy Sharratt of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN) said:Many years into this controversy, Canadians have our first confirmation that Health Canada is assessing the safety of GM salmon for eating, but from the company rather than our own government. This would be the first GM food animal in the world, but Health Canada refused to confirm or deny that they were spending taxpayers money evaluating this GM fish.The latest financial statement from AquaBounty, released March 6, includes confirmation of what Canada's federal government has refused to reveal:
The Company continues to seek Environment Canada's approval for the sale of AAS [AquAdvantage Salmon] in Canada for human consumption.
In November 2013, the Minister of the Environment announced her decision to allow confined production of the GM fish eggs and fish in Canada, but approval by Health Canada for safe human consumption is required before the GM salmon can be sold as food. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is also currently assessing the safety of the GM salmon.
A legal challenge to Environment Canada's decision to allow production of the GM salmon was launched earlier this year by Ecology Action Centre and Living Oceans Society.
AquaBounty’s revelation came just as the two largest grocery chains in the U.S., Kroger and Safeway, committed to not carrying the GM fish, if approved by the U.S. government.
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