For years, experts have established ways to get rid of different insects that can cause negative alterations on vegetation, fruit bearing trees and crops. This venture has flourish and perhaps plausible for human advantage. The idea is to annihilate natural elements that would outweigh normal production and remove defectiveness or best describe as –nature’s imperfection.
Such ambitious quest is pivotal to balance the ecosystem; reasonable may it sound but we quite overlook the entirety of how these remedies would help the bearing trees or destroy the living insects (Bees). Honey bees are downright the best pollinators in the world. The absence of the pollinating service of Honey bees would cause the production of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and many other foods we enjoy –reduce to scarcity.
Scientists have now believe that one of the main cause of CCD (Colonial Collapse Disorder) on bee hives are the collaborative chemicals used on insecticides and pesticides. The magnitude of how these remedies were used to protect the plants has resulted to its failure to protect the insects (Bees).
Lu and his co-authors from the Worcester County Beekeepers Association studied the health of 18 bee colonies in three locations in central Massachusetts from October 2012 through April 2013. At each location, the researchers separated six colonies into three groups—one treated with imidacloprid, one with clothianidin, and one untreated.
There was a steady decline in the size of all the bee colonies through the beginning of winter—typical among hives during the colder months in New England. Beginning in January 2013, bee populations in the control colonies began to increase as expected, but populations in the neonicotinoid-treated hives continued to decline. By April 2013, 6 out of 12 of the neonicotinoid-treated colonies were lost, with abandoned hives that are typical of CCD. Only one of the control colonies was lost—thousands of dead bees were found inside the hive—with what appeared to be symptoms of a common intestinal parasite called Nosema ceranae.
This apprehension from the experts must serve as a wake-up call to those agencies governing both Insecticide and Pesticide to always keep the balance –seeing the importance of the entire living things. We should invest more on ways that would balance the ecosystem and focus on its protection rather than its destruction.
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