Recent study unveils that if a person drinks coffee regularly, its effect is the reduction of risk on Type 2 Diabetes.Type 2 diabetes is when your body does not react to insulin. Insulin is a substance generated in our body helps our cells process sugars or carbohydrates, which we use for our energy. Previous studies shown that when your drink coffee in the morning you lower your risk for liver cancer, heart disease, stroke and even prostate cancer. Coffee is not your average drink at all, many of us are taking coffee every morning, and however, there are coffee in the market that aren’t that healthy compare to the regular coffee.
Coffee is now the number one source of anti-oxidant in the US, many people are trying to turn to coffee now as part of their daily diet. Because of theses discovery, people are benefited by it and now, they can live a healthier life.
Previous studies in the last year have shown that the morning cup of coffee (when drank in moderation) has been associated with lower risk for liver cancer, heart disease, stroke and even prostate cancer. With heart disease, there does appear to be a “U shaped” relationship—in other words, moderate consumption— 2 cups per day tends to confer benefit—whereas lower rates may have no effect on rates of heart disease and significantly higher consumption rates may actually be bad for you.
Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body does not respond to insulin well. Insulin is a substance our body makes in order to help our cells process sugars or carbohydrates, which we use for fuel.
In contrast to Type 1 or juvenile diabetes, in Type 2 the body makes plenty of insulin—the cells just do not utilize the insulin in an efficient way (insulin resistance). In Type 1, the body no longer makes insulin. Type 2 diabetes is associated with higher rates of heart disease and stroke.
Coffee is now my daily buddy -to get me through the day, I personally love it because it keeps you awake, it is really a great help for us to know that
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