
  • Researchers Uncover the Secret Behind Bowel Movements

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    You’ll hear people talk a lot about how a natural diet helps relieve and prevent constipation. An overall healthy diet just improves everything, and our bodies know how to process fruits, veggies, grains and roughage more than the refined or artificial foods that don’t pass as easily. To get more specific, natural foods tend to contain boatloads of fiber-that magical word that signifies the end of toilet suffrage. In short, fiber is material that cannot be digested, and it acts like a sponge. It draws water from its surroundings, making it swell, which softens stool and adds bulk to it, which in turn helps it pass. Like coffee, some kinds of fiber (like beans) can contribute to constipation, so always drink plenty of water.

    By Dr. Mercola

    It's easy to take a bodily function like your bowel movements for granted… that is, until a problem arises. Whether your bowel movements come too frequently or not often enough, it can make you uncomfortable, bloated, or even interfere with your body's ability to absorb enough nutrients from your food.

    Staying regular is crucial for staying healthy. It plays a major role in how you feel (physically and emotionally) while removing waste from your body. For such a common bodily function, surprisingly little has been known about how a bowel movement actually occurs, so new research from Canada, which claims to have uncovered the “secret,” is well worth sharing.

    Your Bowel Movements Offer Important Clues to Your Health

    If you have a tendency to flush in a rush, you can get clues about your overall health by noting characteristics such as shape, color, consistency, frequency, and smell of your bowel movements.

    First, …

    “Potty problems” are something we avoid in our everyday conversations. While you may be more than willing to share how much your sore throat is torturing you, rarely do you go into the office and announce that you haven’t pooped in five days. However, constipation is not something to be embarrassed about, and if you’ve had it (and we all have) than you understand that it is no laughing matter-in fact it can be downright debilitating. Before running to the drugstore for a quick-fix laxative (which often worsen the problem) try some simple home remedies to relieve your discomfort, and keep it from coming back.

    Make sure to read the rest of the article Source.


    Staff Writer

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