
  • Never Eat Again: Top 10 Food Ingredients

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    When you are trying to improve your health and lose weight, there are certain foods that you should avoid. Many of these foods are obviously unhealthy because they contain ingredients that are known to cause weight gain. However, some other foods which are not so obviously linked to weight gain can nevertheless turn out to be just as bad for you.

    Ninety percent of the products we see on grocery store shelves today are loaded with processed and nutrition-less ingredients. The hard truth is that these ingredients are killing us one bite at a time. They are addictive and cunningly sleuth, usually masked by an array of creative but misleading advertising schemes.

    However, there’s one amazing fact about our health that many of us forget from time to time. The fact is this – we all have 100% control over what we choose to put into our bodies! It’s a simple and empowering fact that we all need reminding of, and today is that day.

    To help you take back your power and regain autonomy over your health, here is a list of the 10 worst food ingredients to never eat again to ensure your body is as toxin free as it should be.

    1. Sodium Benzoate

    What’s the deal? A common food preservative …

    Even though you can buy these foods at the grocery store doesn't mean you should. Find out how many ingredients it takes to make a fake blueberry—and see what else made our list, to find out what should stay off of yours.

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