This isn't about the measles. It's not about whether or not the vaccines are what they say they are. It's about the lies that lead many to not trust in anything we are being told. After watching the VIDS you'll get it…or not.
It turns out that Jennifer Hibben-White who posted a viral Facebook post worried that her new born baby may have contracted the measles do to the “anti- vaxxers” has large ties to big pharma. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth exposes the links that prove that this was nothing more than a marketing campaigned designed to counter the work of the so called “anti-vaxxers”. It's also interesting that Facebook allows certain hate-filled rants to go viral while mere skepticism seems to be squashed.
So, coincidence? Maybe. But, I just don't believe in coincidences much when it comes to Big Pharma, Govt., and The MSM all wrapped up in a big, cozy, profitable snuggle.
Please Read this Article at
Photo Source: PATH global health
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