An estimated numbers of different health side effects reportedly cause by aspartame intakes has reach almost a hundred. It is very alarming how this chemical can cause so much burden to a lot of people. It dissolves into solution and goes through the body and emerge within tissues. The body digests aspartame unlike other substance like saccharin, which defy evaporation within the body. Evidence are actually available about Aspartame-Alzheimer’s Link in our system. The numbers of cases and side effects are indications of the substance negative effect on health.
The different elements found in aspartame would surely result to a number of health problems. Illnesses result by it will later surface as its Side effects occur gradually or sudden, it can also be an acute reaction. There are quite substantial reviews about the chemical (aspartame) that have been circulating in an online articles and in newspaper headlines. Linking aspartame to be associated with dementia. These are actually supported by researchers that made a thorough study regarding aspartame.
Methanol Toxicity Leads to Persistent Alzheimer's Symptoms
A recently published two-part paper2, 3 highlights what Dr. Monte has been saying for many years nowthat methanol acts differently in animals and humans. In this case, the researchers also discovered changes in effect between mice and rhesus monkeys.
Methanol-fed mice presented with partial “Alzheimer's disease-like symptoms,” while rhesus monkeys fed a 3% methanol solution developed persistent pathological changes related to the development of Alzheimer's. According to the authors:
“A recently established link between formaldehyde, a methanol metabolite, and Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology has provided a new impetus to investigate the chronic effects of methanol exposure.
This paper expands this investigation to the non-human primate, rhesus macaque… [M]ethanol feeding led to persistent memory decline in the monkeys that lasted 6 months beyond the feeding regimen…
Most notably, the presence of amyloid plaque formations in the monkeys highlighted a marked difference in animal systems used in AD investigations, suggesting …
The concern here is that how the customer could benefit about this new findings regarding aspartame especially those who have already been using them, which information to believe and know the entire components of a particular product to assure safety.
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