We've all heard the saying “time is money”, and that phrase is essentially true. Unfortunately, time doesn't always equal money though. Time is continually passing but that doesn't mean you are continually making money, this depends on how you manage your time and what you do with it. Here are 9 reasons time management is important.
It's a secret of adulthood: Nothing is more exhausting than a task you never start. I've known this for a long time, but nevertheless had managed to accumulate a lengthy list of small, mildly unpleasant tasks that I kept putting offfor months, sometimes years. Granted, these projects weren't urgent (which was why they didn't get done), but they weighed on me, made me feel overwhelmed, filled my brain with I need to and Don't forget ! I had to fix the problem, because it was making me crazy.
I decided to come up with a habit that would help me cross those items off my list. But what? How could a single habit cover a bunch of nonrecurring, unrelated to-do's? Then I hit upon an idea. Once a week, for one hour, I'd steadily work on nagging chores. An hour felt like enough time to get stuff done, but not too long.
During this hour, I'd tackle only tasks with …
Make sure to read the rest of the article at Goodhousekeeping.
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