
  • Flawed Recommendations On Cholesterol: Dietary Guidelines Reverse

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    A detailed review of these studies documents substantial methodological concerns that limit the usefulness of these studies in setting, much less reversing, dietary recommendations. Indeed, the evidence base supporting recommendations for reduced sodium intake in the general population remains robust and persuasive. Reports of the studies and a meta-analysis stirred controversy and have become the impetus for calls to abandon recommendations for reduced sodium intake.

    For the past half century, cholesterol has been touted as a grave health hazard, and dietary fat and cholesterol have been portrayed as being among the “deadliest” foods you could possibly eat.

    This may finally change, as limitations for cholesterol will likely be removed from the 2015 edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

    New American Dietary Guidelines May Remove Limits on Cholesterol

    A draft of the 2015 edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans, created by the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, now states that “cholesterol is not considered a nutrient of concern for overconsumption.”

    And, according to a recent report in the Washington Post, an insider claims the new stance on cholesterol will remain in the final report. As noted by medical journalist Larry Husten:

    “The proposed change reflects a major shift in the scientific view of cholesterol that has taken place in recent years.

    Guidelines on Fat and Cholesterol Should Never Have Been Made

    Steve Nissen, chairman of cardiovascular medicine …

    A final step in the guideline-development process is the issuing of a graphic representation summarizing key messages. The original Food Guide Pyramid, which encouraged substituting grain products for dietary fat (irrespective of their nutritional quality), may have inadvertently contributed to epidemics of metabolic syndrome and related chronic diseases by increasing refined-starch consumption. Curiously, MyPlate closely resembles the original 1940s icon, the Basic Seven — though it omits the category for “butter and fortified margarine”. However, as a representation of dietary guidelines, MyPlate is inherently constrained, most notably by failures to distinguish between whole grains and refined grain products and among protein sources, and by continued promotion of high dairy consumption.

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    Photo Source: Juhan Sonin



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